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Regulations governing the use of M-TEC documents

The companies of the M-TEC Group focus on service and customer orientation. This includes the provision of content such as texts, images or video material (hereinafter referred to as “materials”). For all of these materials, M-TEC grants its partners, for the duration of the cooperation and until revoked, the purpose-related and limited rights of use and processing defined here.

Rights of use

The materials may be used by the partner exclusively for advertising M-TEC products. Transfer of the rights of use and processing to third parties is only permitted with the written consent of M-TEC. Copyright remains with M-TEC and the respective authors as a non-transferable right. M-TEC must be cited as the author and source. Any references in the materials to authorship may not be removed.

Editing rights

The content of the materials may only be edited to the extent that is absolutely necessary to fulfill the purpose (advertising M-TEC products) and/or to comply with regional legal requirements. Translation of the materials into the regional language is permitted.

Insofar as the partner’s own services are based on texts, graphics or other media forms from M-TEC, the end result must not contradict the materials and statements provided by M-TEC. M-TEC’s CI specifications must not be impaired or violated. The purpose-related and limited right of use and editing is transferred to the partner by M-TEC for the duration of the cooperation and until revoked. The partner is therefore entitled to use the materials both in an unmodified form and in a form adapted by the partner. For new works that are based on preliminary work by M-TEC, the partner subsequently grants M-TEC the unrestricted right to use and edit them. The partner is obliged to send all modified, adapted, further developed and translated materials to M-TEC without delay.

M-TEC reserves the right to revoke the granting of the rights of use and processing by giving 4 weeks’ notice to the end of each month. However, if the partner violates these requirements, M-TEC is entitled to revoke the rights of use and processing with immediate effect and without notice. If the revocation takes place, the partner is no longer entitled to use and/or process materials. Materials that are the subject of a complaint must be destroyed immediately.

Errors, damages and warranties

The partner shall be liable for any errors that occur in the course of the partner’s processing of materials. M-TEC is to be indemnified and held harmless from all claims resulting from such errors. M-TEC is not liable for the conformity of materials with regional legal regulations (country, state).

Possible violations of legal regulations in the partner’s regional area of operation (country, federal state, …) must be checked by the partner. Liability for claims, demands or damages resulting from the fact that the materials do not comply with regional regulations shall be borne by the partner. M-TEC is also to be held harmless and indemnified in this regard.