M-TEC Energy Change Now

The alliance for the climate change!

As an architect, planner and developer, you can have a positive impact on climate change and, above all, on national energy demand. Yes, you can even reduce it significantly and make buildings energy-neutral. In addition to products, technology and services, we support the climate change with knowledge, workshops and initiatives.

Eine grau-weiße Skizze von einem modernen Haus mit der orangenen Aufschrift auf dem Flachdach "100% erneuerbar".

We have big targets for our energy change until 2050

With the european climate targets, we want to leave fossil fuels behind us by 2030. With our technology and our networked solutions, we can provide important building blocks for these tasks.

largely self-sufficient

100 % renewable

100 % linked up

This is how the energy transition can succeed

More and more companies and home builders are recognizing the opportunities offered by a self-sufficient energy cycle.

The combination and clever networking of production and consumption opens up considerable savings potential. With M-TEC International you use a complete system for the management of energy.